La mejor forma de vivir toda la experiencia Miskay. Un fantástico y delicioso viaje por el Ecuador que te llevará, en cada plato, a vivir sensaciones que nunca olvidarás
del mar
del mar

Locro Quiteño. Traditional soup made of three kind of potatoes, served with avocado cheese and paico’s oil. |
$ 4,98 |
Sopa Andina. Soup made with ingredients of the Andes region, quinoa in two textures, served with mashed potatoes and carrots, pork meat and basil leaves. |
$ 5,94 |
Crema de la Abuela. Pumpkin cream flavored with laurel and celery, served with mashed potatoes, cooked shrimp and lemon and parsley’s oil |
$ 5,76 |
Ceviche de Pescado. White fish ceviche made as in Manabi’s Province, served with onion, avocado and chifles. |
$ 10,98 |
Ceviche de Camarón. Shrimp ceviche made of base of tomato and paiteña onion, served with popcorn and chifles. |
$ 11,25 |
Trilogía de Ceviches. Three different ceviches, shrimp, squid and octopus, served with popcorn, chifles and chulpi. |
$ 15,29 |
Empanadas de Morocho. (X3) Morocho dough stuffed with pork meat, rice, carrots and peas; served on mashed peas. |
$ 4,65 |
Empanadas de Seco de Pollo. (X3) Rice's dough stuffed with chicken and the traditional sauce; served on carrot's gel. |
$ 5,92 |
Empanadas de Mejido. (x3) Wheat flour dough with cinnamon and sugar, stuffed with raisins and cheese served on a raisin's gel |
$ 4,51 |
Picada Miskay. Three (3) empanadas de morocho, plus three (3) empanadas de seco de pollo and three (3) empanadas de mejido. |
$ 14,16 |
Ensalada Mixta. Green and purple lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, onions, avocato and vinaigrette. |
$ 5,75 |
Ensalada Miskay. Chicken Brest on the grill, Lettuces, cherry tomatoes, onion rings, parmesan cheese, bread of quinoa and olives’ sauce. |
$ 9,25 |
Ensalada de Camarón. Shrimps served on mix of lettuces, potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, crunchy quinoa and camote and watermelon vinaigrette. |
$ 9,90 |
Crocante de Cuy. Guinea Pig meat served with sugar cane liquor and lemon sauce, served with cooked camote and fried tomato, avocado and apple’s slides.
$ 24.46 |
Seco de Chivo. Goat meat in a sauce made of naranjilla and chicha, served with potato, rice, micromix salad, edible flowers and mint vinaigrette.
$ 15,86 |
Fritada Miskay. Pork meat, tortilla made of potato and mote, served with ravioles of mejido and encurtido.
$ 15,90 |
Cariucho de Cerdo. Pork tenderloin with a sauce made of milk, peanuts and bread, served with potatoes tortilla, muchines de yuca with honey, camote and cooked lettuce and tomato.
$ 16,50 |
Lengua en su Salsa. Cow tongue with sauce, served with a salad made of baby broad beans, plátano maduro's paste, apple on a jelly of tomato and rice.
$ 15,35 |
Pollo Tierno de Corral Chicken breast with sauce of portobello’s mushroom and Cayambe's dry mushrooms, grilled potatoes and a fresh salad on a jelly of pumpkin.
$ 14,95 |
Pollo al Romero y Vino Tinto. Chicken breast with a red wine and rosemary sauce, served with wheat, potato and parmesan cheese decorated with edible coral.
$ 14,15 |
Pescado Blanco. White fish fillet, served with majado (plantain, red and green bell peppers and peanut), asparagus sautéed with parsley's honey and grilled pineapple.
$ 17,90 |
Trucha a la Plancha. Trout fillet, served with a risotto made of wheat and parmesan cheese, fried vegetables breaded and as decoration crispy yucca.
$ 15,49 |
Meloso de Mariscos. Moist rice mixed with seafood, coconut milk and white wine; served with a prawn.
$ 19,99 |
Lomo Quiteño. Beef in your prefer term with a sauce of chicha and red wine, served with a wrap made with chard leave and stuffed with mashed white carrot, baby organic onions with a craft beer sauce and as decoration crunchy potatoes.
$ 18,90 |
Sabores de mi Pueblo. Traveling through the Cost and Andes Region of Equator, pork jerky, charqui beef, shrimp and squid with ajillo sauce, served with mote pillo, muchines and fried yucca.
$ 21,25 |
Veggie option: All the dishes marked with, |
$ 13,60 |
Portion of artesian bread. |
$ 1,74 |
Portion of avocado. |
$ 1.50 |
Portion of rice. |
$ 1.82 |
Portion of yuca muchines with red chili pepper jam. |
$ 2,10 |
Arroz con Leche. Dessert in three textures, traditional rice with milk, cake and ice cream made of rice with milk, served on a raisins gel and lemon cream. |
$ 4,80 |
Higos con Queso tradicionales. Figs cooked with black panela, served with fresh cheese, vanilla air and cinnamon ice cream. |
$ 4,75 |
Fantasía de Chocolate. Mousse made of chocolate fino de aroma, chocolate cover, vanilla’s air and chocolate’s sauce. |
$ 5.99 |
Espíritu del Ecuador. Carrot’s cake served on a jelly of pineapple, cream flavored with liquor Spirit of Ecuador, and red bell pepper ice cream. |
$ 4.75 |
Dulce Miskay Scoop of ice cream with pineapple jam. |
$ 2,35 |
Espresso |
$ 1,99 |
Double espresso |
$ 2,51 |
Americano |
$ 1,99 |
Macchiato |
$ 2,75 |
Capuccino |
$ 3,50 |
Mocaccino |
$ 3,50 |
Maple caramel macchiato |
$ 3,75 |
Jugos naturales |
$ 3,40 |
Soda |
$ 1,85 |
Water |
$ 1,40 |
Ice tea |
$ 2,35 |
Lemonade |
$ 2,60 |
Imperial lemonade |
$ 2,95 |
Herbal tea |
$ 1,65 |
Dry fruits tea |
$ 2,50 |
Miskay herbal tea |
$ 1,65 |
Hot chocolate |
$ 3,15 |
Canelazo. Ecuadorian alcoholic drink made of narajilla, sweet spices and liquor of sugar cane. |
$ 4,10 |
Pilsener beer 600ml |
$ 2,85 |
Club Verde beer |
$ 3,10 |
Trigo |
$ 4,95 |
Roja |
$ 4,95 |
Rubia |
$ 4,95 |
Negra |
$ 4,95 |
Especial |
$ 6,70 |
Manabinha Interpretation to caipirinha; lemon, sugar and “Caña Manabita” |
$ 7,35 |
Andrés Frozen Frozen Vodka, Triple sec, mora and mortiño representing the Majestic Cotopaxi. |
$ 7,65 |
Pasiontini Gin, sweet vermouth, passion fruit and strawberry jelly. |
$ 7,65 |
Glass |
Bottle |
Bruma Cabernet – Merlot |
$ 6,63 |
$ 32,85 |
Travesía Cabernet |
– |
$ 43,73 |
Travesía Merlot |
– |
$ 43,73 |
Travesía Malbec |
– |
$ 43,73 |
Paradoja Blend |
– |
$ 54,95 |
Armonía Cabernet Sauvignon |
$ 6,49 |
$ 30,90 |
Armonía Merlot |
$ 6,49 |
$ 30,90 |
Armonía Malbec |
$ 6,49 |
$ 30,90 |
Glass |
Bottle |
Enigma Chardonnay |
$ 8,12 |
$ 40,58 |
Travesía Sauvignon Blanc |
– |
$ 43,73 |
Armonía Chardonnay |
$ 6,38 |
$ 30,90 |
Bruma Chardonnay – Sauvignon Blanc |
$ 6,60 |
$ 32,18 |
Glass |
Bottle |
Armonía Rosé |
$ 6,38 |
$ 30,90 |
Glass |
Bottle |
Armonía Viognier |
– |
$ 43,73 |

Our prices includes taxes and service charges.